I founded Wanderlift, the ridesharing app for longer distance trips, and launched in April 2016. We entered the business of monetizing empty seats for trips that are already being taken. Logo, branding, marketing, business development, iOS and web design. Our company is a team of four student engineers and designers from the University of Denver. https://wanderlift.com

Wanderlift Design Process
The Wanderlift product design process featured a heavy emphasis on user testing and iteration before and after launch. Consistent feedback from our users resulted in completely redesigning the product three months after the launch of our beta.

Original/Beta Product Design
The above image displays the original product built for iOS only in Augst 2016. The design was built on a multi-screen flow for posting or purchasing a ride and emphasized the variety of available trips through photography. It quickly became apparent however that this original design was unnecessarily complex, not intuitive or scalable enough, and was missing key features such as requesting destinations and viewing a summary of a ride from the home screen.

Version 2.0 Rough User Flows
In December 2017 our team took the feedback and data collected over the beta and rebuilt the product cross-platform on React. The approach to the design this time was to strip away everything unnecessary and build an elegant and intuitive mobile ride board. We drew from existing mobile marketplaces and location-based transportation apps, but continued to prioritize and distill the information to be displayed for driver and rider user profiles into concise and simple flow. We went through countless iterations on paper and whiteboards.

Completed Version 2.0 Design
Key home screen functionality includes posting a carpool, requesting a carpool, booking an offered carpool, and tracking offered or already requested local carpools all from one screen with a card layout.
The ride detail screen displays driver and vehicle information, available seats, and sends the user through to booking.

Purchase seats, change/add payments methods, change/add pickup location.
The design of the profile addresses potential safety and background check concerns and provides information to build trust between potential passengers and drivers. This screen became crucial as we listened to our user's safety concerns. Products that design for trust such as Airbnb were referenced .

Wanderlift needed a strong logo mark that would translate well to university focused marketing in the form of stickers and print materials while having the versatility to function as an icon and on the web. The direction that I took was to leverage the simplicity of a slightly modified W while attracting the outdoor audience with the distinctive mountain subtraction.

Landing Page
The Wanderlift brand is bold, aggressively adventurous, young, but also established. Large typography is often employed in marketing and displayed here on the landing page header.